Children’s Church Worship

Children’s Church is available for children from ages 5-12 years old. Class starts at 10:00am. In class we learn a Bible story and we work on some worksheets about the lesson. We also always have a snack. depending on the day we will also make a craft, play games, or even learn the hand bells.

Welcome to our classroom!


Our Nursery is available during the worship service at 10:00am for babies newborn - 4 years old. All mother’s are welcome to stay with their babies. We also have a private breastfeeding station available to use. In our nursery we have a devotional, a snack, and a juice. All toys are sanitized after every use! Tempertures will be checked at the door of the nursey. We please ask that if your child is under the weather please do not bring them to the church nursery.